A night to remember filled with culinary excellence. This was on Saturday May 11, 2024, at Rosewood LiBle Dix Bay Resort at the BVI Food & Wine Festivals Inaugural partnership with the Ralph T. & Edris O’Neal Foundation.

Guests were treated to a six-course wine paired tasting menu by Local Chef Brent Lettsome, BVI Based Chef Aaron Middleton of Necker Island, Rosewood Little Dix Bay Resort Executive Chef Andrew Gaskin and Florida based Celebrity Chef Josie Smith Malave.

A key part of the Foundation’s work is to create mentorships and unique learning experiences for students. On the Thursday before the event Chef Brent and Chef Josie did a masterclass with Student Chefs at the HLSCC Culinary Arts Campus. On the night of the event Five Student Chefs took part in preparation key areas of service for the dinner.

“I’m proud that this kind of work is being done in the name of two icons of the Virgin Islands”, Premier Dr. Natalio Wheatley said at the event.

Hon. Share B. De Castro, Minister for Education Youth Affairs & Sport in her remarks at the event said, “These are the kind of initiatives we need with experiential education and partnerships to enhance learning outcomes”.

BVI Food & Wine Festival and the Ralph T. & Edris O’Neal Foundation would like to give special thanks to the Chefs. Our Sponsors partners; HLSCC and Rosewood Little Dix Bay Resort. Our Sponsors; Botella, RTW, Caribbean Cellars, Global Wine Advisors and SteakaJon Butchers.