The lives and journey of the Territory’s local heroes and freedom fighters are being explored in the new virtual exhibition series launched by the Department of Culture.

Minister for Education, Culture, Youth Affairs, Fisheries and Agriculture, Dr. the Honourable Natalio D. Wheatley said that the videos showcasing the lives of persons including Perreen Georges and Noel Lloyd is very important because it features the historical figures and the places of heritage significance that go along with these events.

“These are ordinary persons who stepped up as leaders during some of the most interesting phases in our history and we owe a debt of gratitude to them. We are being truly inclusive because we are highlighting the ordinary person who emerged as leader during certain critical events,” Dr. Wheatley said.

Meanwhile, Director of Culture, Dr. Katherine Smith said that it is the department’s hope to continue to document stories of other important figures. She added, “Indeed, it is good for us to be able to place the Virgin Islands’ heritage regarding our own struggle for social justice within the wider struggle for social justice. And in so doing, we tell the stories of those who stood up for us.”

To view the two part virtual exhibition series, visit the Department of Culture’s Facebook page with the user name “Virgin Islands Department of Culture” or by using the following links: Part 1 –  Part 2-