Reva Daulo of BDO and Julia Shamini Chase of Gold Leaf Consulting have been named this year’s leading women in digital and tech by the BVI Financial Services Industry, celebrated under the 2023 International Women’s Day theme: DigitALL: Innovation and technology for gender equality.

The theme, DigitALL: Innovation and technology for gender equality, aligns with the priority theme for the 67th Session of the Commission on the Status of Women by the United Nations.

BVI Finance CEO, Ms. Elise Donovan, stated that highlighting women professionals in digital and tech is important to inspire girls and young women that they too can succeed in this field, in addition to highlighting amazing talent present in the BVI. Member firms in the financial services industry were asked to nominate leading women in digital and tech to highlight for this occasion, and Ms. Daulo and Ms. Chase were selected by an equal number of nominations.

First, Reva Daulo is a Manager at BDO in Advisory. She leads many of BDO’s digital engagements and is also the go-to person for dealing with BDO’s digital innovations internally. Reva has been with BDO since 2014. She has several certifications in Information Privacy, Business and Information Systems. She also deals with the growth of Data Analytics within audit and advisory engagements and implements technological solutions to drive efficiencies. A nomination comment on Ms. Daulo stated that, “Reva lives and breathes digital”. Finally, Reva is a founding member of the BVI Chapter of the Information Systems Security Association.

Second, Julia Shamini Chase is the Founder and Chief Executive Officer of Gold Leaf Consulting Limited, a legal services firm that specializes in commercial and financial regulatory law in the BVI. Ms. Chase is a qualified attorney-at-law holding a Master of Laws (LL.M.) in International Banking and Finance Law from the University of London. She specializes in financial regulatory law with over 15 years of professional experience. Under Ms.

Chase’s stewardship, Gold Leaf was the first firm to successfully steer a FinTech Sandbox Application in the BVI, which was later upscaled to the first cryptocurrency exchange licensed in the jurisdiction. She has also been engaged as a member of the BVI FinTech Committee since 2019 and acts as Regulatory Counsel and a Compliance Consultant for some of the world’s largest FinTech firms, and is also a fellow of the International

Compliance Association. She is an avid community mentor and is presently developing a robust corporate sponsorship and internship program that will be of benefit to prospective newcomers to the industry.

BVI Finance congratulates Reva and Shamini on this recognition. International Women’s Day is celebrated to recognize women and girls who champion the advancement of transformative technology and digital education.