In the aftermath of the recent flooding that impacted the territory on Tuesday, the Joe’s Hill Manor Estate has been dealt a blow, with images circulating on social media showcasing the extent of the damage inflicted upon the property.

The images shared widely online show the compromised state of a retaining wall on the premises, highlighting the severity of the impact of the flooding on the estate’s infrastructure.

Sources have informed 284 News that officials within the Social Security Board are actively engaged in addressing the situation, fully cognizant of the need for urgent action to rectify the damages incurred. It is understood that the Social Security Board is currently undertaking a comprehensive assessment of the damage, with plans underway to initiate necessary repairs and restoration efforts.

The Joe’s Hill Manor Estate has undergone significant development and investment, culminating in its completion in 2022. Following its completion, the estate was subsequently handed over to the Social Security Board in June of the same year, marking a significant milestone in the property’s trajectory.

In December 2023 Premier Dr. the Honourable Natalio Wheatley announced the government’s decision to acquire the Joe’s Hill Manor Estate property at an estimated value of $20 million. Premier Wheatley at the time of the announcement said the substantial investment is aimed at improving access to homeownership for first-time buyers who have been locked out of the development.