Frustration among jurors has surfaced during the ongoing trial of former Premier Andrew Fahie.

The concerns were made apparent on Monday during court proceedings, with jurors expressing discontent over the prolonged duration of the trial.

One juror took the initiative to pen a note to Justice Kathleen Williams, conveying her frustration and that of her fellow jurors. The note highlighted the collective feeling about the trial’s extended timeline without any apparent substantial reason for the length of time. Another juror voiced a separate concern, expressing worry that witnesses might be present in the courtroom, observing the testimony of others.

The juror who conveyed frustration regarding the trial’s duration clarified to the judge that the discussions among jurors did not delve into case specifics but rather revolved around the pace of the proceedings.

Responding to the raised concerns, Justice Williams assessed that the jurors seemed to avoid discussing the trial substantively amongst themselves, emphasizing that such discussions are prohibited until the closing of the case. The judge also reminded the jurors of her consideration for some members’ parental obligations by concluding daily testimony around 2:30 p.m., accommodating those with childcare responsibilities after that time.

In an effort to address the dissatisfaction, Justice Williams cautioned the jurors, emphasizing the uniqueness of each trial, noting that there is no specific timeframe for a court matter. She urged patience among the jurors and requested them to refrain from engaging in similar discussions during the trial.

Monday’s proceedings also featured an announcement from Fahie’s attorney, Theresa Van Vliet, indicating that the former premier would not be testifying during the trial unless something “bizarre” occurred in the final days.

Meanwhile, key witness Oleanvine Maynard, former BVI Ports Authority Managing Director, remains scheduled to testify, adding anticipation to the courtroom as the trial unfolds.