The Premier of the Virgin Islands Hon. Andrew A Fahie, along with the support of all members of House of Assembly are teaming up with the Commissioner of Police and the Governor in a campaign to reduce the number of firearms on the streets by offering a two-week Firearm and Offensive Weapon Amnesty beginning on Monday April 4th, 2022.

The Firearm Amnesty to begin on the first Monday in April, will conclude on Easter Monday, April 18th to coincide with the end of the Lenten season. During this time, persons can turn over prohibited weapons and unlicensed firearms along with other offensive weapons to any police station without fear of prosecution for illegal possession of the weapon. Among other illegal weapons in the Territory are daggers, flick knives, gravity knives and knuckle dusters.

Commissioner of Police Mark Collins says he is joining the Governor and the entire House of Assembly in declaring a ceasefire to mark a new beginning.

“This is a truce, a peace treaty of sorts. All my officers know that no one can be arrest or prosecute if an illegal weapon is surrendered during the amnesty period. In turn, we are asking that these weapons be handed over to us whether directly or through a trust person. We want to restore our tranquil way of life, a peaceful co-existence. We can begin on April 4”, he said.

The Force has confiscated 23 firearms within the last month, total of 45 total within last four months. Still, there are many illegal weapons within the community.