The month of May heralds the beginning of Senior Citizens’ Month in the British Virgin Islands, as residents gathered on Wednesday, May 1, to mark the occasion with a special church service commemorating its 35th anniversary.

Distinguished dignitaries, including Premier and Minister of Finance Dr. the Honourable Natalio Wheatley, Deputy Premier Honourable Lorna Smith, Minister for Health and Social Development Honourable Vincent Wheatley, and Third District Representative Honourable Julian Fraser, graced the event with their presence, recognizing the invaluable contributions of the territory’s senior citizens.

In a solemn declaration, the health minister officially inaugurated the month-long celebration, urging residents to reflect on and celebrate the lives of senior citizens across the territory.

The theme for this year’s anniversary, “Powered by Connection,” was highlighted by Premier Wheatley, who emphasized its relevance and importance in fostering bonds of unity and appreciation within the community.

Premier Wheatley also took a moment to pay tribute to the late Carvin Malone, a former Minister for Health and Social Development and a staunch advocate for senior citizens.

Wheatley highlighted Malone’s unwavering dedication and commitment to the well-being of the elderly and reminded those in attendance of the privilege and honour it is to reach such an advanced age.

Reflecting on the profound impact of senior citizens on the fabric of BVI society, Third District Representative Julian Fraser lauded their pivotal role in laying the groundwork for future generations.

As Senior Citizens’ Month unfolds, residents are encouraged to participate in various activities and initiatives aimed at honouring and celebrating the cherished elders of the BVI community.