The entire Virgin Islands has been in mourning following the announcement of the death of the BVI’s very first local Police Commissioner and former legislator Vernon Malone.

Mr. Malone, 76 died on Saturday May 4th at the Dr. D. Orlando Smith Hospital.

Malone, committed a long-dedicated portion of his life to law enforcement. He began his career as a constable in 1970 and continued rising to the ranks in the RVIPF to become the very first local Police Commissioner in 1991. After retiring from the RVIPF, Mr. Malone served in elected office in the House of Assembly of the Virgin Islands as a legislator from 2007 until 2011.

In an official statement on social media, the Royal Virgin Islands police force said, “The Royal Virgin Islands Police Force is mourning the loss of its first VI Commissioner of Police, Mr. Vernon Malone. During his tenure as Commissioner, he raised the quality of the force by opening opportunities in higher education, improve the welfare status and other benefits for officers, improving the quality of Policing in the Virgin Islands where he Establish the Family and Juvenile Unit, the Major Crime Team within the Crimes Division, enhanced the Marine Branch, the Immediate Response Unit and the Scenes of Crime Unit within the force.”

The statement added, “Many officers were successful in achieving their academic degrees during and after his tenure in the organisation. He was compassionate in higher education, fighting crime and having a conducive working environment for all. In 2007 he became an elected member of HoA where he served until 2011.”

Mr. Vernon E Malone, LLB, LLM, CLE COP MP Attorney at Law was born 5th June 1947 in Long Look, Tortola where he attended the Methodist school. He first became a pupil Teacher at the then East End Primary School for a short while. He then joined the RVIPF in 1968 as a Constable, he briefly went back to teaching and rejoined the force and started as a beat officer where he excelled through the rank of Corporal, Sergeant and Inspector.  At which point he became the Inspector in charge of the CID. 

In 1983 he pursued a Law degree from the U.W.l Cave Hill Barbados and in 1989 he became Principal Crown Council at the Attorney General Chambers, he became Deputy Commissioner of Police in 1990 and eventually the first local Commissioner of Police in 1992 to 2002.

The owners, management and staff of CCT, BVI Cable Ltd. and 284 Media express sincere condolences to the family of the late Mr. Vernon Malone.