Local author and educator Mrs. Medita Malone Wheatley will be launching an edited book titled, “A Snapshot of the Virgin Islands Secondary School Under Principal Carlisle Scott”, British Virgin Islands” on Monday, May 6.

This book features several first-hand accounts from students and teachers who were impacted by the legacy of Mr. Scott during his tenure between the years 1956 and 1968.

Mrs. Whealtey highlights the invaluable contributions of Mr. Scott to the students who attended the Virgin Islands Secondary School, which have had positive, far-reaching implications for the overall educational landscape in the Virgin Islands.

Mrs. Wheatley, who was personally influenced by Mr. Scott’s formal and informal lessons, edited the text with a deep sense of commitment, which she intended to see through to completion.

She noted, “For me, the launch of Mr. Scott’s book is a sacred obligation. He left a record of what was accomplished in secondary education during the years of his tenure as principal of the Virgin Islands Secondary School.” She added, “His impact in that role has left a mark on the socio-cultural, socio-economic, and socio-political infrastructure of the Virgin Islands and has rippled to distant parts of the world.”

The nostalgic text contains testimonials by teacher, students and notes by the late Mr. Scott himself.

Contributors of the edited work include Elton Georges OBE, CMG; Canon Gibson, Miss Adorothy Turnbull, Inez Archibald CMG, Claudia Frett Lettsome, Quincy Letsome Ph.D., Marilin Malone Bass, Medita Malone Wheatley, Verna Penn Moll, Joseph Vanterpool and Reuben Vanterpool.

Meanwhile, Director of Culture Dr. Katherine Smith said, “The many individuals who passed through the hands of Mr. Carlisle Scott who served as Principal of the Virgin Islands Secondary School between 1956 and 1968 attest to the direct link between education and the building of a society.”

Dr. Smith added, “This is captured in this valuable text which has been edited by Mrs. Medita Malone Wheatley. These very students whom Mrs. Wheatley refers to as the “children and grandchildren” of Mr. Scott would become the Virgin Islands’ builders, engineers, architects, tradesmen, medical doctos, lawyers, bankers, entrepreneurs, elected officials, priests, ordained ministers, public officers and much more, often reaching the pinnacle of these fields.

The public is invited to attend the launch on Monday, May 6 at the Elmore Stoutt High School, L. Adorothy Turnbull Building Lecture Room 2.